Fix My Actian PSQL/Zen License
I cannot believe that I actually have to write this web page.
In the past, clicking this button on our web site would have taken you directly to Actian's web page where the process of resetting a license was defined and could be initiated. Now, this process has all gone to hell in a handbasket.
Actian Corporation, a division of HCL Software, has recently announced a "policy change" with respect to license issues, where they are giving end users (and resellers) the runaround when a software license is broken for ANY reason. Let's look at a few reasons why this can be an issue, and review some of the possible solutions:
- Licenses on PSQL v10 and PSQL v11 are tied to the computer's "hardware fingerprint". The license can become "Disabled" when the computer hardware on which they are running is altered in some way.
- If you changed your computer hardware without realizing this (which is what happens to most people), then simply change your hardware back. Once the license is back on the original hardware, it will be "Active" again. From that state, you can deactivate the license key from the old hardware, make your change yet again, and then reactivate the license on the new hardware.
- If a critical part of your computer failed and had to be replaced to get it working again, such as the motherboard, HDD, or NIC, then you likely cannot go back to the original configuration. If you are on PSQL v10, then you are at Actian's mercy to get the license key reset and repaired. If you are on PSQL v11.00 through v11.21, then you should FIRST patch the server to the v11.30. (Of course, Actian doesn't make these patches available any more, so get them from our site instead.) Once on v11.30 or higher, then you can highlight the license key and click the "Repair" button in the lower right corner of the License Administrator. You get 5 "self-repairs" before you have to ask Actian for more.
- Licenses on PSQL v12 and newer are tied to the server name, and should only break when the server name is changed. As with the above, you have two solutions:
- The easier option is to change your server name back to the original name, where the license will be Active once again. Deactivate the license key from the server, rename it, and then reactivate the license again.
- If you are unable (for some reason) to rename the server back, then you can use the Repair option as described above. You get 5 "self-repairs" before you have to ask Actian for more.
- Sometimes, the license is not broken per se, but you simply need to move it from one server to another. You can set up a 30-day trial of the software on the new database server, and when you are ready to transfer the license to the new server, go to the License Administrator to remove the license from the old server (before taking it off-line), then apply the license to the new server. This should be fairly quick & straightforward, with each step taking about 40 seconds to complete.
- In other cases, the old computer may have completely failed and the license may be inaccessible, such that it is impossible to release it from the old computer. This can happen due to a physical hardware failure (motherboard, HDD, SSD, etc.), man-made or natural disaster (i.e. fire, flood, tornado, hurricane, theft, gang activity, etc.), virus attack, encryption malware, one bad OS patch that renders the computer unbootable, or just about any other failure that renders a computer unusable.
In these cases where a "standard" license deactivation cannot be done for some reason, the process has (for the last 16 years anyway) been fairly simple. You contact Actian via Email at or via telephone at 1-800-BTRIEVE and request a license reset. They complete the reset for you, typically in less than an hour, and you are then able to apply that license to the replacement server and go on with your life. More recently, they changed the Email to, but the rest was still the same. If you would like to try this process to see how it works, here is the link to their web site that this button used to activate:
However, Actian's new management team has indicated that they fear that users are utilizing the Reset process to "steal" licenses and to work around the legal text of the license of running each license on one computer at a time. Any such License Reset request now triggers a response about buying new licenses, regardless of the version or compatability with existing software or operating systems, and regardless of the availability of licenses for the version you are running, along with the threat of a software audit of your organization. Actian seems to have forgotten that PSQL and Zen licenses have been sold for over 40 years under the guise of a "perpetual licenses" -- valid for as long as you wish to run that particular version. Apparently, they realized that the EULA specifically states that the license grant is "revocable", and have decided that if you are uncaring enough about tyheir database engine to allow your systems to crash, fail, or get attacked by malware, then you should have to pony up another license fee.
At this time, I honestly don't know where this is all going. I am at a complete loss as to how to explain the rationale behind Actian's policy at this time, and I can really only recommend that you ensure that an IMAGE backup of your entire server is always maintained, such that you can restore that image to a new hardware box in order to reset the license, should a failure occur. (And, make sure to keep an offline copy as well, as I have seen encryption malware that mangles NAS units as well, where backups are often stored.)
If you have additional questions, you are recommended to contact Actian directly, as Goldstar Software has NEVER been granted any access to their internal Electronic Licensing System (ELS), and thus we have never been able to reset a license for you anyway. If you would like to review the click-through End User License Agreement (EULA), which you had to accept to install the software, then go to our EULA page and grab the correct document. (A copy of this is/was also on your server.) If you have additional comments about this process, feel free to communicate directly with Actian's Leadership Team and let them know your opinions.