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Application Support for Sage PFW ERP (Platinum for Windows)

Software Vendor: Sage
Application Name: PFW ERP, Platinum for Windows
Application Version:  

The Sage Platinum for Windows (PFW ERP) application is a very dated application, and they OFFICIALLY supported users ONLY up to Pervasive PSQL v10. You can tell that you have this release because your PSQL v10 license OEM Vendor ID will be either 1027 or 1227.

According to the Sage web site, PFW ERP was formally retired on March 31, 2014, and they recommend that you migrate to a newer solution, such as Sage 50, 100, or 300.

While not formally supported by Sage, you can upgrade to a newer version (or to a server engine), and we have had good success with running this software on PSQL v13 Server, and even AuditMaster v13 (if you need auditing controls).

Support Matrix:

Workgroup Engine

Windows Server

Linux Server

Pervasive PSQL v10 YES/R YES/R  
Pervasive PSQL v11 NO NO NO
Actian PSQL v12 NO NO NO
Actian PSQL v13 NO/Works NO/Works NO
Actian Zen v14 NO NO NO
Actian Zen v15 NO NO NO
*Items with a NO are unsupported; items with YES are supported. Items with NR are not recommended; items with R are recommended. Items with no entry are unknown at this time.

If you are a software vendor and would like to add, remove, or modify your information on these pages, we'll be happy to oblige. Simply contact us directly!
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