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Using FTP To Upload Files to Goldstar Software

Last Updated 02/20/2023

You have been directed to this site because you have a file that you need to send to Goldstar Software. This page will explain the steps needed to send the file via File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

NOTE: Please compress all submissions with PKZIP, WINZIP, RAR, or some other similar compression tool. This will not only ensure a faster upload time, but it will also expedite the work we must do on the files, and it will ensure that we are receiving the exact file -- with no additional corruption introduced by the file transfer.

Our FTP uploads site is known as a "blind drop box". This configuration allows general users to upload files to us, but NOBODY outside of our organization can access the files once they are uploaded. In other words, they are not visble even to you. This extra level of security not only prevents someone from using our site as an FTP host, but it ALSO provides another layer of security for your data. You are transmitting it directly to our internal systems here and the data cannot be accessed by anyone outside the environment.

Of course, blind drop boxes play havoc with several FTP clients. As such, we do NOT recommend using any of the standard FTP clients (unless you know that they support passive FTP to a blind drop box). Instead, please follow these steps:

  1. First, make sure that the file is zipped up and ready for upload.
  2. Right-click the file you wish to upload and select "Copy".
  3. In a Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer) window (either the same one or a new one), enter
    in the address bar.
  4. You will receive an error titled "FTP Folder Error", with the last line indicating "Permission Denied". This is OK! Click OK to close this dialog box.
  5. If you copied the file in step 2, right-click inside this window and select Paste to upload the file. Otherwise, drag&drop the file from your other window to this one.
  6. When the upload is done, the file should appear in the otherwise-empty folder. You are done!

Please note that if the Windows Explorer window is refreshed (either automatically or by pressing ), the file you just uploaded will disappear and you will see the same "Permission Denied" error message again. This occurs because this folder is a blind drop box -- you can copy files in, but nobody (but us) can see them. This protects your data from prying eyes on the Internet.

Similarly, if your upload fails for some reason and you need to re-send it, you may need to rename the file first, since you won't be able to overwrite the existing file, either.

When the file upload is complete, send an Email to with your contact information and the exact filename. If you have password-protected the ZIP file, be sure to include the password in the Email.

If you are not comfortable following these steps and do not have on-site IT support to assist, we can perform the upload and placement steps for you, at an additional cost of $250 per hour, billed in 15-minute increments. To use this service, find the location of your damaged files and contact us to request our Complete File Recovery Service.

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